Arnas Fedaravicius as Sihtric in The Last Kingdom Season 4 The last

Unveiling The Enigmatic Sihtric Arnas From "The Last Kingdom"

Arnas Fedaravicius as Sihtric in The Last Kingdom Season 4 The last

Sihtric Arnas is a fictional character in the historical fiction television series The Last Kingdom. He is a Danish warrior who becomes an ally and close friend of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, the main protagonist of the series.

Sihtric is a skilled fighter and a loyal friend. He is also a complex and conflicted character, struggling with his own demons and the challenges of living in a time of great violence and upheaval. Despite his flaws, Sihtric is a sympathetic and engaging character who has become a fan favorite.

Sihtric's importance to the series lies in his relationship with Uhtred. He is one of the few people who truly understands and accepts Uhtred, and their friendship is a source of strength for both of them. Sihtric also plays a key role in Uhtred's quest to reclaim his homeland of Bebbanburg, and he is a valuable ally in battle.

The Last Kingdom

Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character in the historical fiction television series The Last Kingdom. A Danish warrior who becomes an ally and close friend of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, Sihtric is a skilled fighter, a loyal friend, and a man with a troubled past.

  • Warrior: Sihtric is a skilled and experienced fighter, and he is always ready to defend his friends and allies.
  • Friend: Sihtric is a loyal and supportive friend, and he is always there for Uhtred, no matter what.
  • Dane: Sihtric is a proud Dane, and he is fiercely loyal to his people.
  • Heathen: Sihtric is a pagan, and he does not believe in the Christian God.
  • Outlaw: Sihtric has been living outside the law for many years, and he is wanted by the authorities.
  • Redemption: Sihtric is a complex character who has made many mistakes in his life, but he is also a man who is capable of great good.
  • Love: Sihtric is deeply in love with Uhtred's sister, Gisela, and he is willing to do anything to protect her.
  • Sacrifice: Sihtric is a selfless man who is always willing to sacrifice his own needs for the sake of others.
  • Hero: Sihtric is a true hero, and he is always fighting for what he believes in.

Sihtric Arnas is a complex and multifaceted character who adds depth and nuance to The Last Kingdom. He is a man of contradictions, capable of both great good and great evil. But at his core, Sihtric is a good man who is fighting for what he believes in. He is a loyal friend, a skilled warrior, and a true hero.

Name Sihtric Arnas
Born c. 860
Died c. 910
Culture Danish
Religion Pagan
Occupation Warrior
Title Earl of Northumbria
Spouse Gisela
Children None


In the tumultuous world of The Last Kingdom, a skilled warrior is a precious asset. Sihtric Arnas is one of the most formidable fighters in the series, and he is always ready to put his life on the line for his friends and allies.

  • Sihtric's fighting skills are unmatched. He is a master swordsman and an expert in hand-to-hand combat. He is also a skilled archer and horseman. Sihtric's prowess in battle has saved the lives of his friends and allies on numerous occasions.
  • Sihtric is a loyal and courageous friend. He is always willing to fight for what he believes in, even when the odds are stacked against him. Sihtric's loyalty to his friends and allies is one of his defining characteristics.
  • Sihtric is a fierce protector of those he cares about. He is always ready to defend his friends and allies from harm, even if it means putting himself in danger. Sihtric's protective instincts are a testament to his strength of character.
  • Sihtric is a valuable asset to any army. His fighting skills, loyalty, and courage make him a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Sihtric is a true warrior, and he is always ready to fight for what he believes in.

Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character. He is a skilled warrior, a loyal friend, and a fierce protector of those he cares about. Sihtric is a true asset to Uhtred and his allies, and he is always ready to fight for what he believes in.


In the treacherous world of The Last Kingdom, loyalty and friendship are rare and precious things. Sihtric Arnas is one of the few people in Uhtred's life who he can truly rely on. Sihtric is always there for Uhtred, no matter what. He is a loyal and supportive friend, and he is always willing to fight for what Uhtred believes in.

The friendship between Sihtric and Uhtred is one of the most important relationships in The Last Kingdom. It is a relationship built on trust, respect, and mutual admiration. Sihtric is one of the few people who truly understands Uhtred, and he is always there to support him. Uhtred knows that he can always count on Sihtric, no matter what.

The friendship between Sihtric and Uhtred is a powerful example of the importance of loyalty and friendship. In a world where betrayal is commonplace, Sihtric and Uhtred's friendship is a beacon of hope. It is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there are still people who are willing to stand by us.

The friendship between Sihtric and Uhtred is also a reminder of the importance of diversity. Sihtric is a Dane, and Uhtred is a Saxon. Despite their different backgrounds, they are able to overcome their differences and form a close friendship. This is a powerful example of how people from different cultures can come together and work towards a common goal.

The friendship between Sihtric and Uhtred is a complex and multifaceted relationship. It is a relationship that is built on trust, respect, and mutual admiration. It is a relationship that has been tested by time and adversity, and it has emerged stronger than ever before. The friendship between Sihtric and Uhtred is a true testament to the power of loyalty and friendship.


In the tumultuous world of The Last Kingdom, loyalty and identity are powerful forces. Sihtric Arnas is a proud Dane, and his fierce loyalty to his people is a defining characteristic of his character.

  • Sihtric's loyalty to his people is unwavering. He is always ready to fight for his fellow Danes, and he is willing to die for his cause. Sihtric's loyalty is a source of strength for his people, and it is one of the things that makes him such a valuable ally.
  • Sihtric's pride in his Danish heritage is evident in everything he does. He is always eager to share his culture with others, and he is always willing to defend his people from attack. Sihtric's pride in his heritage is a source of inspiration for his people, and it is one of the things that makes him such a respected leader.
  • Sihtric's loyalty to his people and his pride in his heritage are two sides of the same coin. He is a true son of Denmark, and he is always willing to fight for his people and his land.

Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character. He is a proud Dane, a fierce warrior, and a loyal friend. Sihtric is a true asset to Uhtred and his allies, and he is always ready to fight for what he believes in.


In the world of The Last Kingdom, religion is a powerful force. The vast majority of the population is Christian, but there are still many pagans who cling to the old ways. Sihtric Arnas is one of these pagans. He is a proud and devout follower of the Norse gods, and he has no time for the Christian God.

Sihtric's paganism is a major part of his character. It influences his worldview, his values, and his actions. Sihtric believes that the gods are responsible for everything that happens in the world, and he trusts in their power. He is also a strong believer in fate, and he believes that everything happens for a reason.

Sihtric's paganism is also a source of strength for him. It gives him a sense of purpose and belonging, and it helps him to cope with the challenges of life. Sihtric is a fierce warrior, and he believes that the gods are on his side. He is also a loyal friend, and he is always willing to fight for what he believes in.

Sihtric's paganism is a complex and fascinating part of his character. It is a major part of who he is, and it influences everything he does. Sihtric is a proud and devout pagan, and he is a true believer in the old ways.


Sihtric Arnas is an outlaw, and he has been living outside the law for many years. He is wanted by the authorities for his crimes, but he has managed to evade capture. Sihtric's outlaw status is a major part of his character, and it influences his actions and motivations.

  • Sihtric's outlaw status gives him a sense of freedom. He is not bound by the laws of society, and he can do whatever he wants. This freedom is important to Sihtric, and it is one of the reasons why he has chosen to live outside the law.
  • Sihtric's outlaw status also gives him a sense of danger. He knows that he is always at risk of being captured or killed, and this danger adds an element of excitement to his life. Sihtric enjoys living on the edge, and he is not afraid to take risks.
  • Sihtric's outlaw status has also had a negative impact on his life. He has lost everything he once had, and he is now a lonely and isolated figure. Sihtric longs for a normal life, but he knows that he can never go back to the way things were before.

Sihtric's outlaw status is a complex and fascinating part of his character. It gives him a sense of freedom and danger, but it has also had a negative impact on his life. Sihtric is a man who is torn between his desire for a normal life and his need for freedom. He is a complex and tragic figure, and his story is one of the most compelling in The Last Kingdom.


Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character in the historical fiction television series The Last Kingdom. He is a Danish warrior who becomes an ally and close friend of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, the main protagonist of the series. Sihtric is a skilled fighter, a loyal friend, and a man with a troubled past.

  • Sihtric's redemption is a major theme throughout the series. He has made many mistakes in his life, but he is also a man who is capable of great good. Sihtric's journey of redemption is a complex and difficult one, but he is ultimately able to find peace and redemption.
  • Sihtric's redemption is a reminder that everyone is capable of change. No matter what mistakes we have made in our past, we can always change our ways and become better people. Sihtric's story is a powerful example of the power of redemption.
  • Sihtric's redemption is a testament to the power of friendship. Uhtred's friendship is a major factor in Sihtric's redemption. Uhtred never gives up on Sihtric, even when he makes mistakes. Uhtred's friendship shows Sihtric that he is not beyond redemption.

Sihtric's story is a complex and moving one. He is a man who has made many mistakes, but he is also a man who is capable of great good. Sihtric's journey of redemption is a reminder that everyone is capable of change, and that the power of friendship can help us to overcome even our darkest moments.


In the world of The Last Kingdom, love is a powerful force that can motivate people to do great things. Sihtric Arnas is a prime example of this. He is deeply in love with Uhtred's sister, Gisela, and he is willing to do anything to protect her.

  • Sihtric's love for Gisela is a source of strength for him. It gives him the courage to fight for what he believes in and to protect those he cares about. Sihtric's love for Gisela is also a source of comfort for him. It helps him to cope with the challenges of life and to find peace in a tumultuous world.
  • Sihtric's love for Gisela is a reminder of the importance of love in our lives. Love is what makes us human, and it is what makes life worth living. Sihtric's love for Gisela is a powerful example of the transformative power of love.
  • Sihtric's love for Gisela is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Even in the darkest of times, love can prevail. Sihtric's love for Gisela is a reminder that we are all capable of great love, and that love can conquer all.

Sihtric's love for Gisela is a complex and multifaceted emotion. It is a source of strength, comfort, and hope for him. Sihtric's love for Gisela is a powerful reminder of the importance of love in our lives and the strength of the human spirit.


In the tumultuous world of The Last Kingdom, sacrifice is a common occurrence. People are constantly being forced to choose between their own needs and the needs of others. Sihtric Arnas is a character who is constantly making sacrifices for the people he cares about.

  • Sacrificing his own life for others. Sihtric has risked his own life on numerous occasions to protect his friends and allies. In one instance, he even sacrificed his own life to save Uhtred's life.
  • Sacrificing his own needs for the needs of others. Sihtric is always willing to put the needs of others before his own. He is often willing to go hungry or cold if it means that someone else can have what they need.
  • Sacrificing his own happiness for the happiness of others. Sihtric is deeply in love with Gisela, but he is willing to give her up if it means that she will be happy.
  • Sacrificing his own ambitions for the ambitions of others. Sihtric is a skilled warrior and a capable leader, but he is willing to put aside his own ambitions to help Uhtred achieve his goals.

Sihtric's willingness to sacrifice himself for others is a testament to his selfless nature. He is a man who is always putting the needs of others before his own. Sihtric's sacrifice is an inspiration to those around him, and it is one of the things that makes him such a beloved character.


In the historical fiction television series The Last Kingdom, Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character. He is a Danish warrior who becomes an ally and close friend of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, the main protagonist of the series. Sihtric is a formidable warrior, a loyal friend, and a man with a troubled past. However, one of the most defining characteristics of Sihtric is his unwavering heroism.

  • Courage: Sihtric is a courageous warrior who is always willing to put his life on the line for his friends and allies. He is not afraid to face danger, and he is always ready to fight for what he believes in.
  • Loyalty: Sihtric is a loyal friend and ally. He is always there for those he cares about, and he is always willing to fight for their cause. Sihtric's loyalty is one of the things that makes him such a valuable member of Uhtred's inner circle.
  • Sacrifice: Sihtric is a selfless man who is always willing to sacrifice his own needs for the sake of others. He is not afraid to put himself in danger, and he is always willing to give up his own happiness for the happiness of others.
  • Justice: Sihtric is a man of justice. He believes in fighting for what is right, and he is always willing to stand up for the underdog. Sihtric's sense of justice is one of the things that makes him such a compelling character.

Sihtric's heroism is not just limited to the battlefield. He is also a hero in his personal life. He is a loving father and husband, and he is always willing to help those in need. Sihtric is a true hero in every sense of the word, and he is an inspiration to all who know him.

FAQs about Sihtric Arnas from "The Last Kingdom"

Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character in the historical fiction television series "The Last Kingdom." A Danish warrior who becomes an ally and close friend of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, Sihtric is a skilled fighter, a loyal friend, and a man with a troubled past. Here are some frequently asked questions about Sihtric Arnas:

Question 1: Who is Sihtric Arnas?

Sihtric Arnas is a Danish warrior who becomes an ally and close friend of Uhtred of Bebbanburg in the television series "The Last Kingdom." He is a skilled fighter, a loyal friend, and a man with a troubled past.

Question 2: What is Sihtric Arnas's relationship with Uhtred?

Sihtric Arnas is Uhtred's closest friend and ally. He is fiercely loyal to Uhtred and is always willing to fight for him. Sihtric's relationship with Uhtred is one of the most important relationships in the series.

Question 3: What is Sihtric Arnas's fighting style?

Sihtric Arnas is a skilled warrior and is proficient in both sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat. He is also a skilled archer and horseman.

Question 4: What is Sihtric Arnas's personality like?

Sihtric Arnas is a complex and multifaceted character. He is a loyal friend and a fierce warrior, but he is also a man with a troubled past. Sihtric is often haunted by his past mistakes, but he is also capable of great love and compassion.

Question 5: What is Sihtric Arnas's role in "The Last Kingdom"?

Sihtric Arnas is a major character in "The Last Kingdom." He is a close friend and ally of Uhtred and plays a vital role in many of the series' most important battles and events.

Question 6: What is the significance of Sihtric Arnas's character?

Sihtric Arnas is a significant character in "The Last Kingdom" because he represents the complex and often contradictory nature of human beings. He is a man who is capable of both great good and great evil, and his character arc is a reminder that even the most flawed people can find redemption.

Summary: Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character who plays a vital role in "The Last Kingdom." He is a skilled warrior, a loyal friend, and a man with a troubled past. Sihtric's character arc is a reminder that even the most flawed people can find redemption.

Transition to the next article section: Sihtric Arnas is just one of the many complex and fascinating characters in "The Last Kingdom." To learn more about the series and its characters, please continue reading.

Tips for Understanding Sihtric Arnas

Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character in the historical fiction television series "The Last Kingdom." He is a Danish warrior who becomes an ally and close friend of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, the main protagonist of the series. Sihtric is a skilled fighter, a loyal friend, and a man with a troubled past. Here are some tips for understanding Sihtric Arnas:

Tip 1: Understand his background. Sihtric is a Danish warrior who was born into a life of violence and warfare. He has seen the horrors of war firsthand, and this has shaped his worldview. Sihtric is a complex character who is both capable of great good and great evil.

Tip 2: Pay attention to his relationships. Sihtric's relationships with other characters are key to understanding his character. His relationship with Uhtred is one of the most important relationships in the series. Sihtric is fiercely loyal to Uhtred and is always willing to fight for him.

Tip 3: Consider his motivations. Sihtric is a complex character with a variety of motivations. He is motivated by loyalty, friendship, and a desire for redemption. Sihtric is also a man who is haunted by his past mistakes.

Tip 4: Analyze his actions. Sihtric's actions are often driven by his emotions. He is a passionate man who is capable of great love and compassion. However, he is also capable of great violence. Sihtric's actions are often unpredictable, but they are always motivated by his emotions.

Tip 5: Be patient. Sihtric is a complex character who takes time to understand. Do not be discouraged if you do not understand him at first. Keep watching the series and paying attention to Sihtric's character development. Eventually, you will come to understand and appreciate his character.

Summary: Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character. By understanding his background, relationships, motivations, actions, and being patient, you will be able to gain a deeper understanding of his character.

Transition to the article's conclusion: Sihtric Arnas is just one of the many complex and fascinating characters in "The Last Kingdom." To learn more about the series and its characters, please continue reading.


Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character in the historical fiction television series "The Last Kingdom." He is a Danish warrior who becomes an ally and close friend of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, the main protagonist of the series. Sihtric is a skilled fighter, a loyal friend, and a man with a troubled past. His character arc is a reminder that even the most flawed people can find redemption.

Sihtric Arnas is a significant character in "The Last Kingdom" because he represents the complex and often contradictory nature of human beings. He is a man who is capable of both great good and great evil. His character arc is a reminder that even the most flawed people can find redemption. Sihtric Arnas is a complex and fascinating character who adds depth and nuance to "The Last Kingdom." He is a character who is both flawed and heroic, and his journey is one that is both inspiring and heartbreaking.

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Arnas Fedaravicius as Sihtric in "The Last Kingdom" Season 2 From http
Arnas Fedaravicius as Sihtric in The Last Kingdom Season 4 The last
Arnas Fedaravicius as Sihtric in The Last Kingdom Season 4 The last